Thursday, September 18, 2014

Is the Attorney General Race Closer Than we Think?

An internal poll conducted by In The Field Research may actually hint at a John Cahill victory over incumbent democrat Eric Schneiderman for attorney general. The poll finds Schneiderman leading Cahill by a 36.8%  to a 29.7% margin, which is a lot closer than public opinion polls have found. A reason for that may be that the poll was probably constructed and presented in a biased way to rally support for the Cahill campaign who is expected to lose to the incumbent. The poll of 600 voters also found that only 20.7% of voters want to reelect Schneiderman, regardless of who runs against him, and that the majority of the electorate either doesn't know or has no opionion of Schneiderman. A memo with information about the race that included the internal polling information was sent to donors of John Cahill and was not meant to be public. Another reason why I think that this polling information was just a way for the Cahill campaign to rally some support, especially since Schneiderman expects to be campaigning with Mayor de Blasio and Gov. Cuomo in the next few weeks.

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