Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Recent Democratic Party Activity

 There were surprising results when Zephyr Teachout challenged Governor Cuomo for the Democratic primary for Governor. She set an "unattainable" goal of 30% of primary votes. Yet she surpassed her target and hit almost 35%. Her support lies in a geographic configuration. Other than the support of unions, she gained almost every county in the “state’s eastern half, north of Westchester.” Also, winning in various neighborhoods throughout New York City such as Manhattan, Brooklyn, Upper West Side and “ beating him (Cuomo) two-to-one in the 66th assembly district.”
Zephyl Teachout (New York Times)

“In the days since the primary much has been said about Ms. Teachout's impact on [Cuomo's] political future.” says Ginia Bellafante. What could this signal for Governor Cuomo's voters?

Bellafante's suggests that Teachout is also affecting NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio. She gained support among voters in the same areas he did. Which was surprising enough because they seemed to butt heads in most cases.

A Quinnipiac poll last month reports that the Mayors approval rating among African Americans is 65%, 15% larger than his approval rating over all. Simultaneously, his approval among Whites has fallen to 36% from 41% last June. 

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