Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Little Corruption Doesn’t Hurt

With the primary come and gone it looks like the Democrats have a chance to take full control of the State Legislature. In Queens democratic voters went against Malcolm A. Smith. He is accused of trying to bribe his way onto the 2013 New York City mayoral ballot as a Republican.

In Brooklyn Senator John Sampson who is facing criminal charges easily wins the primary against three other challengers. That shows you how important being the incumbent in an election is. What makes this story even better is the fact that Sampson’s district is so heavily democratic the chances for re-election into the State Senate are very high. Major de Blasio and Governor Cuomo did not want to see Sampson back in Albany. In fact Mayor de Blasio and Gov. Cuomo had endorsed Dell Smitherman, a former political coordinator for the powerful health care workers union 1199 SEIU, in the race.

Aaron Woolf who is running for a congressional seat in Upstate New York found himself in hot water recently. It was reported that Woolf didn’t always pay his employees at the Urban Rustic, a local eatery he owns down in Brooklyn. Woolf is running for the 21st district in New York and he is one of the senators pushing to raise minimum wage. Isn’t that kind of Ironic. Urban Rustic, which was the grocery store and a restaurant owned by Woolf immediately denied the claims. It was also reported that Urban Rustic had 83 health code violations and were also in trouble with government for unpaid tax bills from 2008 to 2011.

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