Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Controversy Emerges in Close Congressional Races

A democratic supporter, Mike Flynn, questions Stefanik's personal life. Democratic candidate Aaron Woolf distances himself from Flynn by saying the call for her personal life "reprehensible and antithetic to what this campaign does or should represent." The Stefanik campaign spun this on Woolf and said that Mike Flynn is a Woolf Volunteer. 

Questions arise when Rep. Tim Bishop got a campaign donation after receiving firework permits for his son's Bar Mitzvah. Case closed with no charges for Justice Department, still open in the Ethics Committee. 

Green Party candidate Matt Funiciello interviewed with North County Public Radio and spoke on his 9/11 ideas. He claims that corporate America and corporate media changed the story of 9/11 and that this is a "certain horrific and nonsensical fairy tale our government has sold us."  

With Republican Zeldin still in a tight race with Bishop in the Eastern Long Island District he turns to House Speaker John Boehner from Ohio to help him fundraise. The reception will be held September 20th. 

The G.O.P will host a Meet and Greet in Potsdam on Wednesday, September 17th, to fundraise for candidate Rob Astorino running for the office of governor against Andrew Cuomo in New York. This is also in New York's 21st district, where Stefanik is inching away from Aaron Wolf. 

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