Monday, March 23, 2015

Newpoint's presentation of thier study this Wednesday

Currently the Massena’s Town Council is looking to privatizing the Massena Memorial Hospital. The Town Council hired Newpoint Health Care Advisors back in August after the Massena Memorial Hospital Board of Managers had voted on whether to move further with converting the hospital into a private, nonprofit facility.

Newpoint Health Care Advisors was only hired to do a six-month study, in which they also had to spoke with hospital employees. If the hospital does privatize, the hospital employees will no longer be part of the state retirement system. Newpoint also looked into if the hospital will be eligible to receive intergovernmental transfer money if the hospital does privatize.

There will be a public meeting on this Wednesday at 5:30 at the Massena Town Hall, in which the Newpoint Health Care will present their findings. But before the meeting, Town council members will meet privately with the consultant at 4:30 that same day.

Mr. Gray (Town Supervisor) expects a good crowd to show up. After looking at Massena’s website: , there is not a posting or notification of the meeting on the site. Also there isn’t one posted on the Massena Memorial Hospital website either: .

Keep Massena Memorial Hospital Public is a Facebook page where their goal is: “We are building a community coalition of Massena NY residents and businesses to keep control over OUR public hospital”. This group didn’t have a post of notification about the meeting, but did have a site where you can sign their online petition (link to online petition

It will be interesting to see how many people do show up to the presentation on Wednesday with the current lack of postings or notifications.


Fairchild, Benny. Town’s consultant to issue findings from Massena Memorial Hospital study Wednesday. Watertown Daily Times. Received from:

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