Monday, March 23, 2015

New York State Attorney General Calls For Full Time State Legislature

With the state budget around the corner and ethics reform hanging over everyone's head Eric Schniderman New York's Attorney General has taken the time to criticism New York's State Government and Call for a full time legislature.

According to copies of remarks the Attorney General made at New York State Law School. We are dealing with a cycle where revelations of misconduct by a lawmaker prompts "ethics reform" measures which do not address the real underling problems of the New York State Government. These measures set off a round of self congratulation and complacency with lasts until there is inevitably another scandal.

In order to bring meaningful reform to Albany Schniderman says that there should be a ban on legislatures having outside income apart from their legislative salary. As long as legislators draw pay from somewhere other than that state budget the Attorney General belies corruption of the appearance of corruption is unavoidable.

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