Thursday, February 12, 2015

Loss for New York State as Democrats Choose Philadelphia as National Convention Center

Just days after the Republican Party announced Cleveland, Ohio, as their venue for the 2016 national convention, Democrats have announced that Philadelphia will be the site for its national convention. Selection judgments were made based on which state could raise larger amount of money, and their capability of housing and transporting the Democrat Party officials. Democrats chose financial and political competencies as the major factors in picking between New York, Philadelphia, and Cleveland. One major reason New York misses out, comes from the protest in January when police officers Rafael Ramos, and Wenjian Liu were killed, in an act of retaliation for the killing of two unarmed men. New York Police Union turned their back on Mayor Bill de Blasio, during a speech addressing the resent rift between the police and the public. 



This issue still presents a risk in New York from Democrat Party observations, as NYPD, Mayor Bill de Blasio, and the public still attempt to amend the broken relationship. Transportation from the hotel rooms in Manhattan to the convention center in Brooklyn, and back again to the hotel rooms will be time consuming. Democratic Party delegates argue that transportation system, housing, and funds raised for the convention put together decided the selection process for the convention. In addition to the other three criteria’s as mention above, New York maintains a good amount of Democrats ratio when compared to Republicans. However, Democrats pictured Pennsylvania as the perfect spot for the convention since the swing from Republican to Democrat in the last midterm elections. In addition to the swing in Party leadership within the state of Pennsylvania, the state embodies reforms that the founding fathers enforce, which was another essential factor that New York missed out on.

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