Monday, November 10, 2014

What is Next for Rob Astorino?

Last Tuesday Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino lost to Governor Andrew Cuomo in a race that was closer than what many people had expected. Rob Astorino lost to the incumbent Democrat, Cuomo by 13 points. However he was able to win 46 of the state's 62 counties, capturing a surprising 41 percent of the popular vote. Conservative Party Chairman Michael Long believes that Astorino has established himself as the front-runner for the next governor’s race. He went on to say that the Astorino campaign was very impressive, as many Republican elected officials and a “few big GOP donors” supported Cuomo or do not participate in the campaign. In his first interview since the loss on Tuesday, Astorino explained that his inability to raise enough money was one of the main reasons why he lost. By the end of the election Governor Cuomo had raised more than $45 million. Astorino explained that money is a key factor in campaigns and if he was able to get more money at the right time the campaign could have been a “nail biter.” “It is tough running a race when you are outspent basically ten to one.” Astorino said.

Astorino also believed that Chris Christie comments about the Astorino campaign hurt his chances becoming governor of New York State. In July, Chris Christie said the Astorino campaign was a lost cause. As the head of the Republican Governor’s Association, Chris Christie believed it would have been a waste of time investing any kind of money towards the campaign. Astorino believed that those comments did not send the best signal and around that time Christie and the RGA could have been raising money or sent help towards the campaign. The Republican Governor’s Association did not contribute any money towards the Astorino campaign.

So what’s next for Rob Astorino? Well, Astorino has not given a clear answer on if he will run again for governor in 2018. For now, Astorino goes back to Westchester where he will introduce a budget proposal, which will potentially not increase taxes in the county of Westchester for the fifth year in a row.  


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