Thursday, April 23, 2015

How do you Earth Day?

New York State contains some of the most beautiful outdoor scenery in the wth and will continue through April 25th.  Promoting the natural resources that this state has to offer and educating the public on how to preserve these resources are the two main functions of the week.
orld and Governor Cuomo is proud to remind New Yorkers about it. Earth week was announced on Monday April 19
The Department of Environmental Protection is offering many events across the state ranging from hikes, tree planting, and classes on a sustainable environment. These events are created to help celebrate keeping our parks clean for many years to come. Ensuring the conservation for future generations is a priority of the Department of Conservation. In a technology driven age, it is imperative to remember the significance of a vigorous, maintainable environment. Click here for a list of the week of activities.

Due to continued support from Governor Cuomo, the New York State parks are at their cleanest levels since the year 2000. Cuomo has also adopted many plans for the future that would continue to increase tourism to the parks, which has also been at record levels. To learn what you can do to make the parks a better place, click here.  

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