Thursday, April 2, 2015

Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de blasio on recent LGBT laws in Arkansas and Indiana

The States of Arkansas and Indiana recently passed a bill on the 31st of March 2015 that denied gay couples the right to service by religious conservatives. This bill is part of a religious freedom law that was passed in 1993 to protect religious minorities, however, the meaning of the bill has changed overtime. The recent bill passed by the two states is used by religious organization to undermines the rights of women, gays, lesbians, and other groups. it has become a means of discriminating against certain groups of individuals, which has raised number of protests around the country.


Governor Mike pence has stood up to current critics describing the recent laws as discriminatory, he said "the law does not permit discrimination against gays and lesbians". "These laws are part of the bill passed to protect religious liberty, rather than give businesses right to discriminate against anyone", he says at a conference in Indianapolis. Moreover, critics are saying that this bill might be a stumbling block to many people seeking for employment due to religious beliefs.

Gov. Cuomo's time in office is also marked by his successful legalization of gay marriage in New York State. He remarked on the current bill, as somewhat hateful toward other individuals. In response to the bill the governor said "New York has been, and will continue to be, a leader in ensuring that all LGBT persons enjoy full and equal civil rights". The Mayor and Governor of New York has also taken a step further to ban any travel to Indiana funded by the government of the state. Travels will only occur to Indiana and Arkansas only in the case of health and safety issues. Both the Governor and Mayor have criticized the bill saying it is not a clear representation of the progress made by the United States to promote equality of individuals.

Governor Cuomo has taken more steps to show his support for LGBT by advertising "Everyone is welcome" in New York, on the Facebook social network. New york state's ban on all government funded travel to Indiana might also affect SUNY basketball coaches during the NCAA tournament.
To learn more about State travel ban and how it affects SUNY Basketball athletes and staffs click here.

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