Thursday, April 16, 2015

Going to jail for a violation

With the recent transparency issues with the New York State Government, these same transparency issues can also be seen in law enforcement. Governor Cuomo along with New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio are calling for law enforcement reform. Reforming the City’s summons process to make it more efficient is a top priority for New York State. With the court systems already backed up months, overworked judges and clerks, any changed would be welcomed.
The reform package would include many measures to help ensure a speedy trial, which is stated as our sixth amendment. With hundreds being locked up at Rikers Island before they are even convicted of a crime, New York States Court System has to be changed. People who receive summons this year will receive robocalls and text messages about their court dates to try to speed up the process. They are also allowing people to show up to court one week before their court date to try and catch up. Thirty-eight percent people did not show up to their summonses, which led to a dramatic increase in warrants for missed court dates. Currently the New York State Court System can not handle this influx of “criminals”.

With the recent influx in individual getting simple summonses, the court system can not handle the surge. Trying to automate the system will hopefully create a smoother process allowing more people to reminded about their court dates. If more people know about their court dates, then maybe there will not be so many warrants issued which seems to be the main problem. To learn more about the New York State Court System click here

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