Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Attorney General Wants Change

With the recent scandal involving New York State Speaker Sheldon Silver, Governor Andrew Cuomo is pushing for an ethics reform to make outside income visible. Disclosure of outside income, campaign money, stiffer penalties, and reform of per diems were all main points made in Governor Cuomo’s address. 

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman recently gave a speech, which credited the governor for his ethics reform but stated that more was needed than just disclosure. Schneiderman is calling for an eradication of all outside jobs for New York State Legislatures. This comes soon after the issue of Sheldon Silver and his indictment. The new proposal would make it impossible for Legislatures to earn an outside income is they work part time and earn a base salary of $79,000.

Another concern the Attorney General states is the issue with per diems. Currently the per diem allowance is $154 per working day to cover lodging, food and travel expenses. These per diems are accumulated through tickets and receipts and billed to the state. Assemblywomen Earlene Hooper billed the state $36,452, more than any other lawmakers. Money not used in the daily per diem would not have to be returned and could be kept by the lawmaker. Schneiderman stated that in the new proposal, the money that was not used for the appropriate per diem, would have to be giving back to the state and can not be taken without proper approval.

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