Friday, March 20, 2015

Maggie Brooks 11 Years Strong

Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks has held consistency within her County Budgets over her time in office to help protect local taxpayers. Over the past eleven years County Executive Maggie Brooks has consistently held a proposed balanced budget with no property tax increases to local taxpayers. A record high for Monroe County.

With her proposed 2015 budget, which included, no tax increase, it holds county spending below inflation, and also cuts mandated-fueled structural spending by 16% and operates only 0.6% increase from 2014.

With such a great track record, Maggie Brooks continues to show excellence in keeping her word to the taxpayers on no increases. While offering her word on no tax increases, she is still able to maintain and offer well-funded services throughout the county.

“Monroe County’s 2015 budget stands as a shinning example of just how much a government can do when it strives to live within its means while enhancing the lives of the people it serves” states Brooks.

Brooks has stood by her word to local taxpayers. Since 2008 she has held a stable property tax rate. Over the past six years Maggie Brookes has held a flat rate of $8.99 per $1,000 of assed value in Monroe County.

The current rate of inflation currently stands at 1.7% indicated by the Consumer Price Index. Brooks holds spending below that rate of 1.7% in her 2015 budget by only spending 1.5%.

Her 2015 budget complies with the Taxpayer Protection Act, an act that she proposed herself to the Legislature in 2007. Maggie Brooks shows confidence and loyalty to all of her taxpayers and her past budget proposals are evidence to back her up.  She has ideas to avoid easy and drastic solutions to achieve balanced spending in the county.

With her as County Executive, and her dedication to strive for excellence, she puts the people first, which is a reason why Monroe County has been named one of the top ten places to live and raise a family.

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