Thursday, February 5, 2015

Democrats battle Republicans over Immigration reforms

Having given a State of the Union address in November on possible reforms for the remainder portion of his presidential term, Obama discussed about immigration reforms for the near future. President Obama seeks to rebuild a immigration system which he describes as broken. This reform is mostly aimed at the millions of immigrants in the U.S, and children who become legal by virtue of their parents. On that faithful day Obama stated "Pass a bill. I want to work with both parties to pass a more permanent legislative solution...Meanwhile, don’t let a disagreement over a single issue be a deal breaker on every issue". A Republican bill to fund the Department of Homeland security has been flagged down by the Democrats for the second day. The bill aimed at undoing the reform plans of president Obama was voted upon by the Republican party in need 6 extra votes from Democrats. However they failed to get the remainder of the needed votes as it is stopped by Democrats. Senator John McCain who is a Republican in Arizona as well as other Republicans warn that it is absurd that such bill have to be passed twice in other to get approval. On the other hand, Democrats argue that the President's action plan should stand rather than have regulations that interrupts the executive actions.
What does this signify for New York State? According to Division of Immigrants and Politics Affairs, about 50% of immigrants in New York State make up the work force, which is significantly important for the growing part of the economy. According to the same source “The 10 New York City neighborhoods with the highest level of immigrant residents had stronger economic growth than the rest of the city between 2000 and 2007”. What will be the effect if there is a successful pass of the Republican bill? Will there be a reduction in the growth of the economy for some of these states? Or will Democrats continue to flag down such bills and protect the already influx of immigrants? These are some of the questions that both political analysts and Party representatives will have to confront in the future. 

News sources:

Obama's speech:

NY state immigration stats:

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