Thursday, February 19, 2015

It is not over for NYS Assembly Speaker

By now, it’s no surprise about what has been happening to New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. After being charged with failing to properly disclose all of his outside income, and being stripped of his title, he’s about to get a real downsize. After failing to report nearly $4 million in payoffs and kickbacks, he has been relocated to a seventh floor office in Albany’s Drab Legislative Office Building. While it is unsure what Sheldon Silver will be doing with his new position, his actions will defiantly be being watched by federal law enforcement.
NY Daily News reports while the New York State Assembly declines all news reports, they have said that during a period of transition, change is not unusual. While Silver has been downgraded, the new office he received is given to those veteran Albany lawmakers. While still under federal corruption charges, he is still in a political position that grants him power.
Many people are angry and annoyed that someone who has had so much political corruption and failing to serve the public is still in a position of power according to The New York Times. This corruption scandal has brought many concerns and questions to new Yorkers. Why did Governor Andrew Cuomo disband the anticorruption panel? Funneling more than $500,000 of state money to Weitz and Luxenberg, there seems to be many problems within New York States Government and something needs to happen soon to change that.

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