Monday, November 3, 2014

Win or Lose we Booze

I am not quiet sure if Astorino is trying to say “win or lose we booze” or he is just being very delusional. With New Yorkers going to the polls in less than 24 hours and a 20 point deficit, the chances of victory are very slim. “Astorino continues to insist he will defy the polls, which show him down by at least 20 points, in the same way Pataki, then a little known Republican state senator, came back to defeat Cuomo's father, three-term Gov. Mario Cuomo, in 1994. He's thinking back to '94 when his father was running for reelection and he was going up against somebody who nobody thought could win and all of a sudden New York spoke very loudly." What Astorino fails to grasp is that the upset Pataki pulled off didn’t have him 20 points behind his opponent a day before the election. The attempts to capture the old republican glory has been a common theme in Astorino’s campaign
On Saturday Astorino received a not so warm welcoming to Syracuse when he came to speak on key issues on the election. Astorino talked about reforms in New York’s health care system and giving more power to the counties to choose the additional benefits it gave to its residents.

Astorino’s wife found herself defending her husband recently when Cuomo’s ads claimed that Astorino supported guns in the classroom. This claim really hit home because the wife of Astorino is a public school teacher. “Astorino and his wife, Sheila, were on the Fox program because of an online ad she cut last week taking Cuomo to task for his negative ads and the impact they've had on the couple's kids. The law straw for Sheila Astorino, who is a public school teacher, was an ad claiming her husband supports allowing guns in the classroom. In actuality, Rob Astorino said he supported a gun safety training program that an upstate rural school district offers its students.” 

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