Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Sprouts of Competition

          As election day gets closer and closer we see our candidates scrambling for last chances to gain voters. In our New York District Attorney race we see office holder Eric Schneiderman in one corner, with his incumbent John Cahill in the other. Both have been managing to make wide appearances as well as keep there names in the news


          John Cahill the Republican candidate sat down at the New York Athletic Club for breakfast this past week. There he spoke with fellow politicians and voters about the importance of a "strong" Attorney General. There he managed to keep the pressure on Schneiderman with John Bharara's a  southern New York DA backing.
          Schneiderman, our current AG has had some rebuttals of his own. His office says they have helped clean up Albany with more than fifty prosecutions of corrupt officials. As well as pushing endlessly for ethics reform in the Senate. Yet being the one in office he has all eyes on him.


          Fortunately in our closest statewide election we will get a debate. In front of a live audience, and televised the two incumbents will go head to head. This will be held at Hilbert College in Hamburg, New York on October 30th. 

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