Friday, October 3, 2014

Vote or Die

           Low voter turnouts have by no means been uncommon throughout our country and even our state. So it was of very little surprise, in the September 2014 NY Gubernatorial primary ; 9.3 percent of registered Democrats voted. This is out of 5.8 million people, which is a extremely low turnout. Less people voted in 2014's primary than in 2010. The reason for this could be because low competition and competition increases voter turn-out.


          Cuomo won the primary with 62% of the votes, with Zepher Teachout following with 34%. For an incumbent governor to be held under two thirds of a vote in his own party is not a sign of strength, even if nobody turned out to vote, and the fact that nobody turned out to vote makes it clear that his candidacy was uninspiring,” reported Ken Sherrill.



          The voting was very wide spread, 51.9 percent of the votes came from NYC area. Cuomo had high numbers in Western New York where his running mate's home is located. Teachout reported high turnouts in central and southern New York where her “hydrofracking” issue really hit hard. This spread shows many voters in city’s yet little in the pockets in rural areas. This is very common throughout our great state, and many others.

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