New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman who is up for re-election has been battling democrats for the past three and a half years. At a recent speech given by Schniederman at Columbia University, he spoke in front of a group of students about the role of politicians in our modern society. The Attorney General stressed in his speech the struggles he has had in office. He spoke about the necessity of holding corrupt left wing politicians accountable to the same degree of right wing politicians.He also pushed for reforms in the way government is run. While having the majority throughout the state Democrats are potentially stuck with greater political fallout.
(Students gathering at Columbia University. Google)
He related how Democratic states and Republican states are butting heads while the Federal Government is incapable of settle disagreements. He gives an example of the structuring of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Heroin Task Force. This is a multi state cooperation to help solve the mutual issue of illicit drugs.Schneiderman elaborated on how this political corruption is clogging up our system. While politicians actually attempt (and do) getting elected for the sole purpose of preventing our legislature from "doing work".
"As soon as I get elected to office, I immediately find the people who are in charge at everything and much bigger than me and I pick a fight with them," states Schneiderman. For the latter of his time in office the Attorney General reports he frequently battles within his party, speaking about his position on settlements for big banks. "I spend virtually no time fighting Republicans. All of my challenges come from getting Democrats to act on the rhetoric".
It will be very interesting to see how this comes into play this election season. Eric Schneiderman faces John Cahill a member of the Conservative party, Ramon Jimenez and Carl Person.
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