Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Star Power


      The Governors mansion of New York is up for grabs come November 4th of this year. In reality it seems we have a clear winner already. The incumbent Cuomo seems to have this race in the bag. If one was look at these two candidates side by side, we will notice some stark differences. Cuomo’s war chest of over 35 million dollars trumps Astorino’s 6 million. The democratic candidate is more likely to win the race, but if we look at the polls you will notice a downward trend in the in numbers for the governor.  


           Cuomo has something important to winning an election that Astorino does and that is star power endorsements. Cuomo has endorsements from powerful democrats like the Clintons. Astornio’s biggest endorser is Michael Kay who is an announcer for the New York Yankees. This seems like a joke because Astorino fails to see that it helps. With 3 weeks left in the campaign, Astorino would need an endorsement from Jesus himself to win the race.

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