In the First Congressional District a debate is coming on on Thursday, October 23. Lee Zeldin and Incumbent Tim Bishop will face off with questions from their constituents. "Readers are asked to submit questions for the candidates by email to"
The race that some polls show tied is turning into name calling. Lee Zeldin came out and called Bishop a back bencher, close to calling Bishop a bench warmer in Congress. "During 12 years in office, Zeldin charged, Bishop has had only four
bills signed into law, all renaming post offices. He, however, said he’s
had 48 bills passed on a wide range of issues including protecting
military families, cutting taxes, eliminating the MTA payroll tax and
elimination of the saltwater fishing license fee." Zeldin trying to show people that Bishop has not done much for his people and that he, Zeldin, would be a good change.
In New York 21st District there was a debate on Wednesday, October 15. There was all three candidates in attendance, Stefanik, Woolf, and Funiciello. The moderators started the debate by asking questions and then the candidates themselves can ask questions to each other. During this time minimum wage was brought up and Woolf said that "67 percent are in favor of raising the minimum wage." Woolf was trying to emphasize that the minimum wage should be raised and then Stefanik came out with a snappy remark looking straight into the camera and said “You deserve a raise. I hope after Nov. 4, you get the raise you’ve earned. Aaron Woolf has lost credibility on the issue.” She is referring to a false claim that was made that Woolf was not paying his employees minimum wage, which was debunked and now is thoroughly misleading.
In an article recently posted by PostStar, it breaks down the economics of the campaign. It starts off showing how Woolf is outspending Stefanik on TV air time by around $500,000. He is doubling the amount of money that Stefanik and the GOP in putting into the race. The breakdown can be seen here.
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