Friday, October 17, 2014

On The Campaign Road

          A recent meeting between Gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino and the editorial board of the Syracuse Media Group led to some good discussion. It also was a great chance for Astorino to get some good PR and share his positions.
          He spoke about lowering corporate tax rates, and cutting current business incentives. He believes lowering tax rates and cost of utilities to welcome new business would do more than making lots of tax breaks. While also looking at hydrofracking at a good boost for the economy, "I think it's the right thing to do for this state," says Astorino.

(Dick Blume:

          Astorino stressed how he doesn't think courts should determine how states money gets spent, referring to the states funding system in urban schools. He thinks the state should work on fixing the way the schools spend the money. Keeping on the topic of the state he believes the public should not finance campaigns, and would like to see more diligent campaign contributions records, say every 24 hours. Also the state should use the expected $5 Billion from settlements on infrastructure, such the Tappen Zee Bridge.
          If elected governor he advocates for more local meetings as well as a firm connection with the press. He expressed the fact that if elected he would be facing a Democratic-controled Assembly and the same for the Senate. Regarding this he said he would not be afraid to use "my veto pen", if legislatures go "hog wild".
          While i'm sure no one would call this election very competitive it has shown to have some sparks fly. With the polls spread at around Cuomo +25, this leaves Astorino with a huge Gap to fill. But as quoted in an article by Teri Weaver, "Can I guarantee you I'm going to win?" Astorino posed. No, but neither can Cuomo, he added.

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