Saturday, October 11, 2014


Rep. Tim Bishop from the 1st Congressional district went head to head with challenger Lee Zeldin on Wednesday night.  They hit on the issues the people wanted to hear, Ebola and Healthcare reform, Securing the U.S Border, Common Core, Dysfunctional Congress, Social Security and the power of ISIS. Moderator Denise Civiletti started the debate off with saying “this is not a sporting event, or a circus. It’s a debate.” 

On Common Core, Lee Zeldin said that “We’re throwing our kids in the deep end without a life jacket.” Calling upon the $700 million dollars New York State would lose if we did not adopt and implement the new education plan. Bishop said he wants reforming but that also it was not his decision to add Common Core it was the State Senate. 

Stefanik, Funiciello and Woolf also squared off in a debate on Wednesday sponsored by Time Warner Cable. You can watch the debate here.  

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