Saturday, October 4, 2014

21st District Polling Gap is Closing

A Republican polling firm Harper Polling found the gap is closing with Stefanik having a 45 to 37 lead while Green Party candidate Funiciello grabs 8 percent of the vote. Woolf "despite running against a woman on the ballot,Woolf is actually leading among women voters in the North Country by a three point margin." 

Stefanik delivered a national republican speech yesterday. Right as the race was tightening this may give her a push back to take a bigger lead. Stefanik addressed the issue of government jobs and spending in the 21st district with saying "I think the best way to grow the economy is not increasing the size of government; it's actually cutting government so small businesses are able to thrive." When asked about climate change she wants to go to a table with China and India already there so that the United States would not be the only nation trying to fix there climate changing issues.

Stefanik also brought up that she would be willing to break away from the party on issues she believes in such as "equal pay for equal work for women." She finished her interview with "the biggest takeaway is the frustration with Washington and the understanding that Washington as usual, is broken. The other big takeaway is that people are looking for a new generation of leaders." 

Right after Germany cut college tuition costs and then also offers "free" degrees to international students, Woolf came out and spoke about the rise of student loans. "Not only because it's an important investment in our future, but because of the looming economic crisis. If these loans start defaulting in a major way, we've seen the way cascading default can lead to economic catastrophe." He would like to cut "big oil subsidies" and give it back to the public. Stefanik believes the student loan debt should be addressed as a bipartisan issue and she wants to make college more affordable too. 

Lee Zeldin released a new TV spot where he beliefs towards Common Core and the affect it has on his daughters and his family. 

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