Friday, September 26, 2014

Gubernatorial Possitions

          With elections coming around the corner its important to keep a good eye on candidates views on issues. Recent Gubernatorial debates can yield much information.
          Zepher Teachout views on some issues include: Abortion rights should go with woman’s equality. Anti trust laws should be imposed on corporate political power. Was endorsed at Gay Pride parade. Green energy, stop hydrofracking. “Honor dignity of all immigrants.” School system need to take a one hundred and eighty degree turn. Advocates heavy investigation on political corruption. Believes heavily in gun control.
          Andrew Cuomo has positions such as: Full 9th month abortions. More foreign trade to kick start economies. Should intervene in Syria under “Congregational process.” Believes campaigns should be financed different. Cut taxes for poor and raise for wealthy.
          Rob Astorino views on topics: “Opposes affordable housing & hence minorities.” Kept Westchester county taxes steady. Against NYS SAFE act. Says no to medical marijuana.
          Kathy Hochul stands on issues: State schools should work with employers for hiring. Demands cleanup of Attica by EPA. Supports NRA. Immigrants without documentation shouldn’t be allows state utilities.
          Voters should be intense about knowing how the candidates feel about topics. Without people like that we would just be picking a name out of a hat.

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