Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Issues That Will Shape The Race For Governor In New York

Governor Cuomo has recently agreed to debate his competitor Rob Astorino before November's election. Watching a debate can be very helpful with understanding where the candidates stand on key issues. It is also important to do some prior research to where the candidates fall on key issues.

For example, the two candidates for governor have different stances when it comes to tax reform. Cuomo favors a tax cut for the middle class and higher taxes for the wealthiest 1% in the state. Conversely, Astorino kept spending down but made no drastic tax cuts in his latest term as Westchester County Executive. Astorino opposes higher taxes on the wealthy.

When it comes to Civil Rights issues, the candidates have very different opinions. The governor is supportive of both gay marriage and abortion. Astorino opposes abortion and gay marriage.

Where these two candidates differ the most is on their beliefs about affordable housing. Astorino strongly opposes affordable housing and Cuomo has based his campaign on that opposition.  The Cuomo campaign has recently aired two ads in New York City over the federal government's contention that Westchester County is not abiding by a settlement calling for it to build more affordable housing. The ads essentially accused Astorino of ignoring New York's tradition of fighting discrimination and racism and make him look like an extremist.   

These issues and especially the issue of affordable housing will be important and very interesting to see debated when the two square off in a debate in the upcoming months before Novembers election.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it is the affordable housing Rob Astorino is opposed to, but rather the federal government's overreach in determining local zoning laws. You may want to dig a little deeper there.
