Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Support from Private Colleges

With only five percent of rapes among college women or nearly 5,000 reported cases to law enforcement, which leaves roughly 100,000 rape cases undocumented. In Governor Cuomo’s State of the State Address he mentioned sexual assault among New York State Universities and in specifically SUNY Campuses. “Enough is Enough” is a program that was implemented in all 64 SUNY Campuses, which Cuomo wants to expand to all colleges.
This past Monday Governor Cuomo announced his Enough is Enough policy at Syracuse University. This policy is being pushed from private colleges by legislatures to make it even stricter. The new reform would require all universities, both SUNY and private universities, to implement uniform sexual assault prevention and response protocols, previously adopted by the State University of New York. By supporting these new protocols, students on college campuses would be encouraged and supported to stand up against sexual assault

With these new colleges joining the coalition, it brings new ideas to combat this ever-growing concern. New York State wants to be the leading state to fight an issue that seems to be plaguing the country. Pushing legislature to pass laws that does not let violence go unnoticed or unpunished is a top priority for Governor Cuomo. With eleven new private colleges joining this coalition, New York strives to be a national front-runner against sexual assault. Visit the Enough is Enough Website to learn how to get your college involved. Sign the petition to stop sexual assault here.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Young and Reckless

Did you know what was bad and good at the age of 16? According to Governor Cuomo, the need to raise the age to charge as an adult could have an enormous impact on their futures. Currently, nearly 800 inmates sentenced to jails and prisons are under than age of eighteen. These individuals are twice as likely to be mentally of physically harmed by other inmates in the same facilities. The Commission of Youth, Public Safety and Justice recommends raising the age to be processed in a criminal court which would reduce issues within a jail or prison.

Reforming how the Justice System treats juveniles with the exception of all serious crimes, felonies, would open up space and help these troubled youths. Studies show access to programs that offer support and rehabilitation are five times more likely to be successful in reforming these youths. Putting youths in a facility with serious criminals has a negative effect on their mind and ability to think rationally. These youths are susceptible to an outsider, which makes them very easily manipulable.

Other recommendations include placement settings for those youths to be deemed low risk to society. This would ensure that the criminal justice system is fairer and gives juveniles a second chance. According to the Commission, if implemented, these reforms would prevent between 1,500 and 2,400 crimes against people every five years across the State. At a price tag of $35,000 per inmate per year, this could save New York State eighty-four million dollars and make a positive influence in these adolescences life.

 To learn more about the Juvenile System, click here

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

From Bright and White to Dark and Green

With earth week less than a week behind us, New York State is striving to be the green state in the country. With many new green policies including reducing water runoff from farms, increasing solar energy farms, reducing paper waste, and limiting light usage, Governor Cuomo is showing he is serious about the environment. The most recent push is limiting the internal and external lights for commercial buildings at night.
For years, nearly 40,000 buildings in New York City have been using internal and or external lights at nighttime. City officials are calling for a bill to limit these light usages only when individuals are not inside the building. Reducing the number of lights left on within and on the outside would have a significant impact on curbing greenhouse gasses. Mayor deBlasio has articulated his support of passing this legislation, which would also cut down on light pollution for migrating birds.
While saving the environment is always a good thing, public safety could be affected with an unpredictable outcome. When you reduce the number of lights on the outside and inside of buildings, crime tends to increase. The biggest effect this bill of limiting the light usage would be for police officers of New York City. Police officers would no longer be able to look into closed stores to see if anything illegal is going on. Also, the quality on the security cameras would drop drastically because of the amount of light. The resolutions of potential could become obsolete which has been a huge source in identifying suspects.

This issue contains two sides with two very different valid points. Maintain the safety of individuals in New York City or make progress on the issue of global warming. Click here to learn how New York is becoming greener.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Saving Citizens that Green Stuff

We all learned in grade school to reuse and recycle. New York State and especially Governor Cuomo are big supporters of environmentally friendly projects.  Since the implementation of “Green Policies” at statewide organizations, New York State has saved more than thirteen million dollars. Reducing paper waste and encouraging recycling are some of the major contributors.

Reducing waste and toxic waste has also had an enormous impact on the environment. Pesticides contain many chemicals that can be beneficial for plants to block from predators, however can hurt the ecosystem. During large rainstorms, these chemicals travel into the waterways causing a disruption in the stable ecosystem.

The simple concept of recycling and reducing waste is a simple solution that cause had a huge impact. Reducing copy paper by more than forty percent since 2008 has saved taxpayers 27.4 million dollars.  Recycling rates are at their highest levels ever at a very respectable seventy-one percent.

It seems that the New York State Government is trying to be a positive role model for businesses and community members. Reducing a little over a small period of time and there seems to be no slowing down. Reusing and recycle seems to be prevalent and expanding rapidly.  To learn information about making your house efficient and affordable, click here to learn about the Solar Energy System Equipment Credit

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Cuomo to reappoint MTA Chairman for next six years

Just months after speculations of a new MTA chairman and CEO, Governor Andrew Cuomo has given a go ahead to the last MTA chairman to run for another term. Mr. Thomas Prendergast took control of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in 2013, after previous Chairman Jay Walder and Joe Lhota resigned from the position in 2011 and 2012 respectively.

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Above: Governor Cuomo and MTA Chairman Prendergast

 Cuomo announced at a breakfast forum that he will nominate Thomas Prendergast to serve as chairman for the next six years. Cuomo said during this forum "Prendergast has done a phenomenal job...I've seen him take command in true crisis, which gives you sense of the character and the leadership of the person." Prendergast might be set for a long six years term after previously completing two years of a turbulent six year term marked by change of chairmen.
“My mission at hand is to make sure I get a capital program and make sure that we meet the challenges that we’re seeing,” he said. “You’re seeing the ridership growth on the system and the challenges it’s presenting for us.”
Mr. Prendergast is wildly popular as he has acquired multiple transit executive positions over the course of his career. He was president of the LIRR (Long Island Rail Road) in the 1990s and president of NYC transit from 2009 to 2013, as well as other positions in New York, Chicago, Vancouver, and Washington.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Quick Trip to Cuba for Cuomo

Earlier this week Governor Cuomo took a trip to Cuba to discuss possible business transactions and possible trades with the Cuban government. Along the trip accompanying governor Cuomo, was about 20 business owners, trying to take advantage of the easing relations recently agreed on between Cuba and the United States. The governor’s trip includes multiple meetings with Cuban officials as well as businesses to hopefully expand New York companies with Cuba.

In December President Obama announced plans to ease diplomatic relations with Cuba. As of last week he intended to remove Cuba from the governments list of nations that sponsor terrorism. With this new and uprising news, many big time companies such as Netflix and Amazon plan to announce business opportunities with Cuba, along with many American Banks.

Governor Cuomo was the first governor to travel to Cuba since president Obama’s statement. Cuomo met with many Cuban officials one including Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel. Both discussed the United States trade embargo and human rights in Cuba.

“There is no doubt change is in the air and this is an exciting time in Cuba,” Cuomo stated before his flight back to New York. On Tuesday after returning to New York, Cuomo’s Administration announced that two New York companies made deals on his trade mission.

The Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo signed an agreement with the center of Molecular Immunology on Havana to develop a vaccine for lung cancer. The second company to sign a agreement with Cuba was Infor, a Manhattan software company.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Eric Schneiderman Not Tantalized by Indoor Tanning

Schneiderman's office reported that it has recently filed lawsuits against two indoor tanning salons. These two tanning salons are being sued on the charge that they have falsely advertised the risks of tanning and the effects it produces. Total Tan Inc. and Portofino Spas LLC. are being sued by the Attorney General's office on state law violations for misleading testimonies and claims. Both companies are said to have advertised tanning as a way to increase vitamin D, reduce risk of cancer, reduce risk of heart disease and by also using false testimonies of other individuals.

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced Thursday he was suing two tanning salon franchises for alleged false advertising.
Above: Attorney general Eric Schneiderman

“Make no mistake about it: There is nothing safe about indoor tanning,” Schneiderman said in a statement. “The use of ultra-violet devices increases exposure to cancer-causing radiation and puts millions of Americans in serious danger – young adults, in particular. Irresponsible businesses that seek to rake in profits by misleading the public about the safety of their services will be held accountable by my office. Advertising and marketing cannot be used as a tool to confuse and endanger New York consumers.”
 In return, owners of tanning salons have fired back at Schneiderman's lawsuit saying they will not be belittled by the AG, who tries to impose his own perspectives on the views of other businesses. Total Tan Inc. is a small family-owned business with 26 salons across upstate New York, and Portofino Spas LLC with five salons in Manhattan.

Total Tan Inc. has denied allegations from the AG's office by hiring lawyers who cited that they have not violated state laws. The small family-owned business also released statements claiming that the AG's led investigator is the wife of a former company executive fired by Total Tan Inc. Portofino's has not made comments since the lawsuit was filed at the state supreme court in New York City.