Monday, September 22, 2014

It’s Looking Grim for Michael Grimm

Recent polling data has shown that democratic congressional candidate Domenic Reechia has been able to catch up to GOP candidate Michael Grimm. This is very bad timing for Michael Grimm as the election is about six weeks away. Domenic Reechia has been able to erase a 6-point deficit by going on the offensive talking about Grimm’s pending criminal charges. A recent survey of about 400 voters in New York’s 11th district shows that Grimm and Reechia are tied with 46% of the vote. Another 8% are undecided. Apparently, Initial research showed that voters in the 11th district were not fully aware of Grimm’s pending criminal charges. As people have learned more about Grimm’s situation people have started to be in support of the democratic candidate Domenic Reechia.

A trial date has bet set up in December for Michael Grimm The Republican congressional candidate was indicted in April for mail, wire, and tax fraud. The apparent fraud occurred from 2007 to 2010 when Grimm was the owner and manager of a Manhattan restaurant called Healthalicious. Grimm has pleaded not guilty and at a press conference recently Grimm says “he is a target of a political witch hunt that is trying to drive him out of office.”

Also take a look at this new advertisement that the National Democrats made “attacking” congressional candidate Michael Grimm.

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